
the occasional thoughts and rantings of a human male


famicom faceplates arrived

notice the christmas lights still on the porch. inside the parcel were my own two new famicom micro faceplates. a nice end to the week. still looking gradually at other jobs. staples is a good thing and i do okay. just looking for some changes.


import video games

doesn t anyone else in boise want to walk into a store and purchase import video games? why has nintendo limited accesories for the micro to on-line? will i ever find something constuctive to do on a bloody sunday?

i am enjoying all the reading i ve gotten done. time for a little necessary grocery shopping. more later is likely.


classic series + hand

well i am not too crazy about the result, but i can live with it. blurry camera phone pics are amusing and i just wanted to capture some of my nintendo stuff in a format i could upload over at 4cr.

next on the agenda is to get the play-yan and following that perhaps design a nintendo-centric fanboyish paradise. hehe. actually, saw some cool nintendo shirts. and i wish i could paint my walls black like some people. the best part is the cover of the new nintendo power and how it integrates with the other items. so i guess this experiment killed some time and was not a total loss. hope y all like it.


cool ds link

i can t draw, but really admire the talents. maybe if the ds gets a revision i ll pick one up. or that metroid games gets released in a special bundle. im good with my micro for now. play-yan coming soon and a review as well.