
the occasional thoughts and rantings of a human male


three sites

i added another similar site besides myspace. craziness! can i produce enough content posting on all of them to be worthwhile. mayb there is a tool to creat duplicate posts across sites.

are they fight for ad revenue? prestige? i just don t get. maybe someone can break it down for me. hosting all those photo and videos has a price right? didn t the dotcoms fail horribly. what did i miss?


wrong number scams

i ve got to be back at work in only a few hours. i just got a wrong number call and all the new contacts on are clever ads. they sound interested in me, but want my money. of course, i want their money too. if they would shop at my store. enh. prostitution is a bad thing. my sales are doing quite well without that.

bloody numbers won t get out of my head. it is good that i have some success in my work, but that alone does not define me. i should write out a new batch of letters, emails etc. i liked the responses i got a few weeks ago. it just takes a sustained effort and dedication. i could use more discipline i suppose. like when i would run daily and practivce the french horn religiously.

anyone from the old quartet out there? those were the days. those were the days. before i have a few serious relationships to cloud my thoughts and dwell on our carnal nature. man is such a beast. an overdeveloped ignoble ape.




im torn about having my computer in my bedroom. i am not at the point where i can have an actual dedicated office so it irks me to have my 19 inch crt and two printers in such proximity to where i sleep. i guess there is more incentive to advance and make more money.

a laptop would provide a solution, but i know that i should save - i can do everything i need to with my current configuration. id love more mass storage though. thinking seriously about a couple more hard drives. hehehe.


no despair

im not dying for a social life - i shall just be open to whatever comes along. so it goes.


apple did the anticipated update

cool new stuff yet again from apple. i better go work for them like i have been threatening to. the employee discount is the only way i ll get the goods anytime soon. thanks steve!

a fairly popular site. i think i ll put a couple things up there. why not?

cool customer

i met doctor terrel m hill today and he has a neat organization that is worth checking out i wish him luck in his endeavors.


i want even more business

despite feeling a little rushed and pretty busy - i need to solicit even more business. at some point, i ll be able to hire on some more help. i hope. it seems like my efforts are being supported by everyone around me. that means a lot to me.



yeah. another great lively weekend. i did discover that turning my computer off and then on again was an easy way to get the sound working. i was close to buying a new soundcard or a laptop to fix the problem. good thing i waited. i am honestly trying to save some money so i will survive with my current set-up. just need a little bigger room. i feel somewhat cramped.



i should probably stop leeching so much. oh well i suppose it is not the end of the world. i am not destroying freedom. still looking for a productive way to spend my weekends and evenings. seasonal employment is not out and if i start scanning all the photos i can get my hands on - i can imagine some late nights.

blah blah blah. i know few will stumble across these random rantings and insights into my thoughts. that really isn t the point of many blogs.

tried making some cards (and here i am trying to be careful) and they are not official so i will not use them. it was fun regardless. much paperwork to sort at my office still. a couple big jobs to work on too. i have a lot of numbers floating around in my head and ideas i can not grasp or implement. perhaps one day i ll have the freedom and authority to mimic brown (at least with packaging). another half-spoken idea that only i get but i felt inclinded to record.

401(k) began today and that was indeed thrilling. something i could have started years ago, but was not encouraged to do so. i feel like i may get financial things under control one day. if i could quit buying gadgets. well, i at least need to get a working sound card in my compuer. i know a cheap one would do, but i want something more. maybe a piece that i could utilize for an htpc.


manly scrapbooking

yeah so this could be a bizarre rant, but i want to get some of my old things organized and i have obsessed a little over how to do it. what formats are available for all the photos and things i have collected.

first, i want everything digital. i can do some layout work on my computer. i would rather have single sheets than a layered approach. i want to be somewhat creative. i guess. i also was wishing i had a mac and iphoto to produce some albums. is there end product high quality?

if i want to look at pictures i am fine doing it on my pc. an album or scrapbook is just something to look at on the shelf. i made a mistake buying photos splits. they are permant ways of attaching a photo.

i also have 8.5 x 8.5 books and can only find 8 x 8 paper. of course i can print whatever i need on my 9650. sigh. double sigh.

damn apple

i would have liked to see some updates to the portable line up. one more thing turns out to be several more things. i wish i worked for apple again. then i could afford there hardware/software line. sigh.


business cards

i should get my own cards (personal) today. they are a simple affair with my email and name. my company has yet to provide cards for my daily use. i guess i ll have to be more persuasive with them in the coming weeks.


you ve got mail

i wrote some emails recently. people responded. it was good. i am getting in touch with some old friends and helping my uncle set up a podcast for his column.


some new tunes

found some new tunes on check em out if you have a minute.


old photos. old things.

i have been going through the pile of things that could be scrapbooks. scrapbooks don t seem too masculine, but i would like to have an organized way to look through old items. i found letters, photos and even my old rations card! it was pretty cool and i had some laughs along with other emotions.

i would like to get in touch with some old friends. that s been something i need to improve. i have neglected to write letters and emails to the people i know. i would love an update from any of them.


i am running the client again. they seem legit. too bad i did not get the prize money last time. i run my box 24/7 so it can t hurt.

i also got my first comment - i am stoked about that.


just watched the first couple episodes for the new season of numb3rs. of course, the pseudo-romantic bits were interesting. not much going on in my social life so my imagination could fixate on the intrigue offered by television story-making.

i hope the new smallville is a decent episode. i watched most of season four so i think i am caught up. i can always read to fill in the pieces i am missing.